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FKA twigs
Best New Album
Twigs’ third album brings club music into her sensual, supernatural world. It’s a masterful pop-star moment for the artist.

Museum Music

Edward Skeletrix
The memelord rapper and designer’s 30-track double album is one big, cryptic troll job. It might’ve been funnier if the music were better, but mostly the joke is on him.

Hometown Girl

Under a new alias, the ambient musician Ulla Strauss shifts toward an acoustic palette for an exquisitely rendered album anchored by a generous depth of feeling.

The Bad Fire

On their 11th album, the long-running post-rockers open up disarming, uplifting new dimensions to their sound without veering too far from familiar paths.

Lust (1)

Voice Actor
Though more compact than Voice Actor’s three-and-a-half-hour debut, the new album’s hazy blend of blown-out ambient and indecipherable murmurs taps into a similarly delirious dream state.
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